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244 posts tagged with "web scraping"

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· 8 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Practical Uses of Web Scraping

Data and its collection are now more important than ever. With such massive amounts of data that are available to us, collecting, managing, and organizing them becomes a challenge as it requires time and effort. Thankfully web scraping exists to make our lives easier, and so today, we shall learn about some practical and everyday uses of web scraping and much more!

· 6 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Jupyter vs Spyder. Which One Is  Better for Python Programming?

Programming has been at the heart of the massive technological developments that we have experienced over the past few decades or so. From data analysis to web development, programming languages such as Python have significantly aided technological innovation. In fact, the position of Python among the pantheon of programming languages is unique.

Most web developers and data scientists prefer to use Python as their primary programming language over other options. And if you’re one such person working with Python or considering doing so, it’s essential to use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to make programming more efficient and convenient.

· 5 min read
Oleg Kulyk

What Is Puppeteer? Should You Use It for Web Scraping?

In this hyper-connected world where we are all dependent and conduct much of our lives through digital technologies, data is considered one of the most valuable assets. And so web scraping has become quite a popular way of collecting invaluable data from the web.

In order to make data extraction more efficient and accessible, web scraping relies on a number of automated tools such as Puppeteer. But what is Puppeteer? Is it really the right tool for web scraping? Let’s find out!

· 10 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Hard Data Vs. Soft Data Explained!

Data equals power, and there is no denying that. In today's world, it is all about data as people's lives are becoming more virtual. But what good is this resource if it is not handled and formatted correctly? This is where data parsing comes into play. So sit back and get ready to go through Data Parsing 101 as we dive headfirst into learning what data parsing is all about.

Let's begin!

· 9 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Hard Data Vs. Soft Data Explained!

Data is the currency in today's world, and data translates to power and authority. So everyone is always competing with one another over data to gain the upper hand. Data is categorized based on two factors: its extraction source and the method used to extract it. Based on these factors, data can be categorized into two kinds: Hard Data and Soft Data. Today I shall give you an overall comparison between the two data types, i.e., Hard Data Vs. Soft Data.

· 13 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Web Scraping in R. Detailed Explanation!

As the amount of information on the internet is increasing exponentially, the use of data extraction methods is also on the rise. Web scraping is one of the most popular, reliable, and efficient means of data extraction. It is done both manually and using automated systems, with the automated method being the most popular and widely used.

Programming language is a must to implement automatic data extraction on web scrapers. So today, we shall discuss web scraping in R, as R is the best and most widely used language for data scraping. Now let’s begin understanding what web scraping is: