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Becoming a Web Scraper - Crawl like Google Crawler for Maximum Results

· 6 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Becoming a Web Scraper - Scraping as Google Crawler for Maximum Results

Are you looking to become a web scraper? While web scraping can seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. In this blog, we’ll discuss what web scraping is, how pretending to be a Google crawler can help you get the most out of web scraping, and how to use web scrapers for maximum results. So get ready, because you’re about to learn the ins and outs of web scraping and how to become a web scraper.

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping, also referred to as web crawling or web harvesting, is the process of extracting data from websites. It is an automated process that uses software to collect data from webpages and then organizes it into a structured format. This data can then be used to gain insights into markets, customer opinions, or trends.

Web scraping can be done using a variety of methods, such as writing custom code, using web scraping tools, or using web scraping services. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, but for the purpose of this blog, we’ll focus on the process of pretending to be a Google crawler.

What Does Pretending to Be a Google Crawler Mean?

Pretending to be a Google crawler means that you are using the same methods as Google’s web crawler, or “Googlebot”. Googlebot is the software that Google uses to scan websites and index their content, so using the same methods as Googlebot can help you get the most out of web scraping.

When pretending to be a Google crawler, you are using the same methods as Googlebot. This includes using the same user agent and headers, as well as honoring the same robots.txt rules that Googlebot follows. By using the same methods as Googlebot, you can ensure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get.

What Benefits Does Pretending to Be a Google Crawler Provide?

Pretending to be a Google crawler has many benefits. First, it ensures that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get. This means that the data you are collecting is reliable and accurate.

Second, it ensures that you are respecting the robots.txt rules of the website. This is important as it prevents you from violating the website’s terms of service and potentially getting your IP address blocked.

Finally, pretending to be a Google crawler can help you speed up the web scraping process. By using the same methods as Googlebot, you can make sure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get in a fraction of the time.

What Is a User Agent Googlebot?

A user agent Googlebot is a specific type of web crawler that is used by Google to scan websites and index their content. The user agent Googlebot is the same one that is used by Googlebot when it scans websites, so using the same user agent will ensure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get.

The user agent Googlebot is a string of text that is sent along with each request that is made to a website. It is used to identify the type of web crawler that is making the request, as well as the version of the crawler.

How to Set Google User Agent for Maximum Results

Setting the Google user agent is relatively simple. All you need to do is add the following string of text to the request headers that you are sending to the website:

"User-Agent: Googlebot/2.1 (+"

Once you have added this string of text to the request headers, you will be using the same user agent as Googlebot. This will ensure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get, as well as respecting the robots.txt rules of the website.

Still, there are plenty of possible user agents Google uses for its web crawlers. You can find the full list of user agents Google uses for its web crawlers here.

Use Google IP Address with Google Cloud Platform

Using the same IP address as Googlebot can also help you get the most out of web scraping. This is because Googlebot uses a specific IP address to scan websites, so using the same IP address will ensure that you are behaving in the same way as Googlebot.

You can use the same IP address as Googlebot by using a service like Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing service that allows you to use Google’s infrastructure to host your web scraper. This means that you can use the same IP address as Googlebot to scan websites.

How to Use Web Scrapers for Maximum Results

There are a few things to keep in mind when using web scrapers for maximum results.

First, make sure that you are using the same user agent as Googlebot. This will ensure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get, as well as respecting the robots.txt rules of the website.

Second, make sure that you are using the right web scraping technique. Depending on the type of data you are trying to scrape, you may need to use a different technique. For example, if you are trying to scrape data from a website with complex structures, you may need to use a different technique than if you were scraping data from a website with a simple structure.

Finally, make sure that you are using the right web scraping tool. Different web scraping tools have different features; some may be better suited for certain tasks than others. It’s important to research and find the best tool suited to your needs.


Web scraping can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can become a web scraper in no time.

Pretending to be a Google crawler is a great way to get the most out of web scraping. By using the same user agent, same IP address and honoring the same robots.txt rules as Googlebot, you can ensure that you are getting the same data that Googlebot would be able to get.

Finally, make sure that you are using the right web scraping technique and tool for the job. Different web scraping techniques and tools have different features, and some may be better suited for certain tasks than others.

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