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How to Set Cookies in Selenium

· 13 min read
Oleg Kulyk

How to Set Cookies in Selenium

Selenium, a powerful tool for browser automation, provides robust capabilities for handling cookies in Python. This article delves into the methods and best practices for setting cookies in Selenium with Python, offering insights into both basic and advanced techniques.

Cookies play a vital role in web applications, storing session information, user preferences, and authentication tokens. Selenium's Cookie API offers a comprehensive set of methods to create, read, update, and delete cookies, mirroring the CRUD operations familiar to developers (Selenium Documentation). By mastering these cookie management techniques, developers can simulate various user states, maintain session persistence, and automate complex web interactions.

This article will explore the fundamental operations of adding, retrieving, and deleting cookies using Selenium in Python. We'll then delve into more advanced topics such as cross-domain cookie sharing, OAuth 2.0 flow automation, and secure handling of sensitive information in cookies. Throughout the discussion, we'll provide code samples and detailed explanations to illustrate these concepts effectively.

As web applications grow in complexity, so does the importance of efficient and secure cookie management. We'll examine performance optimization strategies and security considerations, ensuring that your Selenium scripts not only function correctly but also adhere to best practices in web security (OWASP Cookie Security).

Whether you're new to Selenium or looking to enhance your existing skills, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to master cookie management in your web automation projects.

Selenium's Cookie API provides a robust set of methods for managing cookies in web automation tasks. The API is designed to interact with cookies seamlessly across different browser implementations. At its core, the Cookie API in Selenium allows developers to create, read, update, and delete cookies, mirroring the CRUD operations common in database management.

The primary interface for cookie management in Selenium is accessed through the driver.manage().cookies() method chain. This API exposes several key methods:

  1. get_cookies(): Retrieves all cookies for the current domain.
  2. get_cookie(name): Fetches a specific cookie by its name.
  3. add_cookie(cookie_dict): Adds a new cookie to the browser.
  4. delete_cookie(name): Removes a specific cookie.
  5. delete_all_cookies(): Clears all cookies for the current domain.

These methods form the foundation of cookie manipulation in Selenium, enabling testers and developers to simulate various user states and scenarios (Selenium Documentation).

When working with Selenium in Python, cookie management becomes an integral part of many testing and web scraping scenarios. Here's a detailed look at how to implement these operations:

Adding Cookies

To add a cookie, you need to create a dictionary with the cookie's properties and use the add_cookie() method:

cookie = {'name' : 'session_id', 'value' : '12345', 'domain': ''}

This code snippet navigates to a website and adds a session cookie. It's crucial to ensure that the domain matches the current page's domain to avoid security exceptions.

Retrieving Cookies

To get all cookies:

all_cookies = driver.get_cookies()
for cookie in all_cookies:
print(f"Name: {cookie['name']}, Value: {cookie['value']}")

To get a specific cookie:

session_cookie = driver.get_cookie('session_id')
if session_cookie:
print(f"Session ID: {session_cookie['value']}")

These methods allow you to inspect the current state of cookies, which is useful for debugging and verifying the browser's state.

Deleting Cookies

To delete a specific cookie:


To delete all cookies:


Deleting cookies can be useful when you need to reset the browser state or test logout scenarios.

While basic cookie operations cover most use cases, there are more advanced techniques that can enhance your Selenium scripts:

One powerful technique is to serialize cookies to maintain session state across different Selenium instances or even between test runs. This can be achieved using Python's pickle module:

import pickle

# Save cookies to a file
cookies = driver.get_cookies()
with open("cookies.pkl", "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(cookies, file)

# Load cookies from file
with open("cookies.pkl", "rb") as file:
cookies = pickle.load(file)
for cookie in cookies:

This technique is particularly useful for maintaining login states or preserving complex session data (Stack Overflow Discussion).

When dealing with multiple domains in a single test suite, it's important to manage cookies on a per-domain basis:

def get_domain_cookies(driver, domain):
return [cookie for cookie in driver.get_cookies() if domain in cookie['domain']]

def set_domain_cookies(driver, domain, cookies):
for cookie in cookies:
if domain in cookie['domain']:

This approach allows for more granular control over cookies when your tests span multiple domains or subdomains.

When working with cookies, especially those containing sensitive information, it's crucial to consider security implications:

  1. Secure Flag: Ensure that cookies containing sensitive data have the 'secure' flag set, which restricts the cookie to HTTPS connections only.

  2. HttpOnly Flag: Use the 'httpOnly' flag for cookies that don't need to be accessed by client-side scripts, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.

  3. Expiration Handling: Properly manage cookie expiration to prevent unauthorized access after the intended session lifetime.

secure_cookie = {
'name': 'sensitive_data',
'value': 'secret',
'secure': True,
'httpOnly': True,
'expiry': int(time.time()) + 3600 # Expires in 1 hour

By implementing these security measures, you can ensure that your Selenium scripts handle cookies in a manner that aligns with best practices for web security (OWASP Cookie Security).

Efficient cookie management can significantly impact the performance of your Selenium tests. Here are some strategies to optimize cookie-related operations:

  1. Bulk Operations: When possible, use bulk operations like delete_all_cookies() instead of iterating through cookies individually.

  2. Selective Cookie Management: Only manipulate cookies that are necessary for your test scenarios. Unnecessary cookie operations can slow down your tests.

  3. Caching Cookie Information: If your tests frequently access cookie information, consider caching it in memory to reduce the number of calls to the WebDriver.

class CookieManager:
def __init__(self, driver):
self.driver = driver
self.cookie_cache = {}

def get_cookie(self, name):
if name not in self.cookie_cache:
self.cookie_cache[name] = self.driver.get_cookie(name)
return self.cookie_cache[name]

def clear_cache(self):

This caching mechanism can be particularly beneficial in scenarios where you need to frequently check cookie values without modifying them (Selenium Best Practices).

By implementing these advanced techniques and considering security and performance aspects, you can create more robust and efficient Selenium scripts that effectively manage cookies across various testing scenarios.

Cross-domain cookie sharing is a crucial aspect of advanced cookie management in web automation, particularly when dealing with complex web applications that span multiple subdomains or even entirely different domains. This technique allows for seamless user experiences across related websites and can be essential for testing integrated systems.

To implement cross-domain cookie sharing in Selenium with Python, we need to consider the following steps:

  1. Set the domain attribute of the cookie to a parent domain that encompasses all subdomains.
  2. Ensure the 'secure' flag is set if working with HTTPS.
  3. Use the 'SameSite' attribute judiciously to balance security and functionality.

Here's an example of how to set a cross-domain cookie:

from selenium import webdriver
from import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

cross_domain_cookie = {
'name': 'session_id',
'value': 'abc123',
'domain': '',
'path': '/',
'secure': True,
'sameSite': 'Lax'


This code sets a cookie that will be accessible across all subdomains of The 'secure' flag ensures the cookie is only sent over HTTPS, while 'SameSite' set to 'Lax' allows for some cross-site usage while maintaining security (MDN Web Docs).

OAuth 2.0 is widely used for authentication and authorization in web applications. Automating OAuth flows with Selenium can be challenging, but effective cookie management can simplify this process significantly.

To automate OAuth 2.0 flows:

  1. Perform the initial OAuth handshake and authorization.
  2. Capture and store the resulting access and refresh tokens as cookies.
  3. Use these cookies to maintain the authenticated state across sessions.

Here's a simplified example of how this might look in practice:

import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Perform OAuth login (simplified)
driver.find_element(By.ID, "username").send_keys("")
driver.find_element(By.ID, "password").send_keys("password")
driver.find_element(By.ID, "login-button").click()

# Extract tokens from the redirect URL
redirect_url = driver.current_url
access_token = extract_token_from_url(redirect_url)

# Store the access token as a cookie
'name': 'access_token',
'value': access_token,
'path': '/'

# Use the token for authenticated requests
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}
response = requests.get("", headers=headers)

This approach allows for seamless automation of OAuth-protected resources without the need to re-authenticate for each request (

Load testing often requires simulating numerous unique user sessions. Dynamic cookie generation can be used to create these sessions efficiently. By programmatically generating cookies with unique identifiers, we can simulate a large number of concurrent users interacting with a web application.

Here's an example of how to implement dynamic cookie generation for load testing:

import uuid
from selenium import webdriver
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def create_user_session(base_url):
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Generate a unique session ID
session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Set a unique session cookie
'name': 'user_session',
'value': session_id,
'path': '/'

# Perform user actions here
# ...

return session_id

# Simulate multiple user sessions
base_url = ""
num_users = 100

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
sessions = list(, [base_url] * num_users))

print(f"Created {len(sessions)} unique user sessions")

This script creates multiple browser instances, each with a unique session cookie, allowing for simultaneous load testing of the target application.

Implementing A/B Testing Scenarios

A/B testing is a critical component of web development and marketing strategies. Selenium can be used to automate the process of testing different versions of a website by manipulating cookies to control which version a simulated user sees.

To implement A/B testing scenarios:

  1. Define cookies that determine which version of the site to display.
  2. Use Selenium to set these cookies before loading the page.
  3. Verify that the correct version is displayed based on the cookie value.

Here's an example implementation:

import random
from selenium import webdriver
from import By

def run_ab_test(version):
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Set the A/B test cookie before loading the page
'name': 'ab_test_version',
'value': version,
'path': '/'

# Load the page and verify the correct version is displayed
element = driver.find_element(By.ID, "feature-flag")
assert element.text == f"Version {version}"


# Run tests for both versions
versions = ['A', 'B']
for _ in range(100): # Run 100 tests
version = random.choice(versions)

print("A/B testing completed successfully")

This script randomly assigns users to different versions of the site and verifies that the correct version is displayed, allowing for automated A/B testing at scale.

When dealing with sensitive information, such as authentication tokens or personal data, it's crucial to implement secure cookie handling practices. This involves setting appropriate flags on cookies and ensuring that sensitive data is properly encrypted.

To implement secure cookie handling:

  1. Always use the 'secure' flag for cookies containing sensitive information.
  2. Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to prevent downgrade attacks.
  3. Use the 'httpOnly' flag to prevent access to cookies via client-side scripts.
  4. Consider encrypting sensitive cookie values before storage.

Here's an example of setting a secure cookie with sensitive information:

import base64
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from selenium import webdriver

def encrypt_value(value, key):
f = Fernet(key)
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(f.encrypt(value.encode())).decode()

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Generate a key for encryption (in practice, this should be securely stored)
encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key()

# Encrypt sensitive data
sensitive_data = "user123:password456"
encrypted_value = encrypt_value(sensitive_data, encryption_key)

# Set a secure, encrypted cookie
'name': 'auth_token',
'value': encrypted_value,
'secure': True,
'httpOnly': True,
'sameSite': 'Strict',
'path': '/'

# Verify HSTS is enabled
hsts_header = driver.execute_script("var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', document.location, false); req.send(null); return req.getResponseHeader('Strict-Transport-Security');")
assert hsts_header is not None, "HSTS is not enabled"

print("Secure cookie set and HSTS verified")

This script demonstrates how to securely handle sensitive information in cookies, including encryption and setting appropriate security flags (OWASP).

Conclusion: Best Practices for Handling Cookies in Selenium Python

Mastering cookie management in Selenium with Python is an essential skill for effective web automation and testing. Throughout this article, we've explored a wide range of techniques, from basic cookie operations to advanced scenarios like cross-domain sharing and OAuth 2.0 flow automation.

We began with the fundamentals of Selenium's Cookie API, covering methods to add, retrieve, and delete cookies. These basic operations form the foundation of cookie manipulation in web automation scripts. As we progressed, we delved into more sophisticated techniques such as cookie serialization for session persistence and domain-specific cookie management, which are crucial for handling complex web applications.

Security considerations were a key focus, emphasizing the importance of implementing secure flags, proper expiration handling, and encryption for sensitive data. We also discussed performance optimization strategies, including bulk operations and caching mechanisms, to ensure efficient script execution (Selenium Best Practices).

Advanced scenarios like cross-domain cookie sharing, OAuth 2.0 automation, and dynamic cookie generation for load testing demonstrated the versatility of Selenium in handling real-world web automation challenges. These techniques enable testers and developers to create more robust and comprehensive test suites that accurately simulate user interactions across complex web ecosystems.

Implementing A/B testing scenarios and secure cookie handling for sensitive information further illustrated the practical applications of advanced cookie management in web development and marketing strategies.

As web applications continue to evolve, the role of cookies in maintaining state, personalizing user experiences, and securing user data becomes increasingly critical. By mastering the methods and best practices outlined in this article, developers and QA engineers can create more effective, secure, and efficient web automation solutions using Selenium with Python.

Remember that while these techniques provide powerful capabilities, they should always be used responsibly and in compliance with relevant data protection regulations and best practices for web security (OWASP).

By incorporating these advanced cookie management techniques into your Selenium scripts, you'll be well-equipped to handle a wide range of web automation challenges, from simple login simulations to complex, multi-domain testing scenarios. As you apply these methods in your projects, continue to stay informed about the latest developments in web security and automation best practices to ensure your scripts remain robust and effective in the ever-changing landscape of web technologies.

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