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Working with Local Storage in Playwright with Python

· 11 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Working with Local Storage in Playwright

As web applications grow in complexity, the need for efficient and reliable methods to interact with Local Storage during testing becomes paramount. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of working with Local Storage in Playwright, a powerful automation library for Python that enables cross-browser web automation.

Playwright offers a robust set of features for accessing, manipulating, and managing Local Storage, making it an ideal choice for developers and QA engineers looking to create comprehensive test suites. By leveraging Playwright's capabilities, testers can simulate real-world scenarios, manage application state, and ensure the integrity of their web applications across different browsers and contexts.

This guide will explore both fundamental and advanced techniques for working with Local Storage in Playwright. From basic operations like setting and retrieving values to more complex scenarios such as cross-domain storage management and performance optimization, we'll cover a wide range of topics essential for modern web testing.

By mastering these techniques, developers can significantly enhance their testing workflows, reducing test execution times by up to 70% in complex scenarios and improving overall test reliability. Whether you're new to Playwright or looking to optimize your existing test suites, this guide will provide valuable insights and practical examples to elevate your Local Storage testing strategies.

As we navigate through this guide, we'll not only discuss the 'how' but also the 'why' behind each approach, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of Local Storage management in the context of automated testing with Playwright. Let's embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of Local Storage in your Playwright-powered test automation projects.

Accessing and Manipulating Local Storage with Playwright

Understanding Local Storage in Web Applications

Local Storage is a crucial component of modern web applications, providing a way to store data locally within the user's browser. In the context of Playwright testing, understanding how to access and manipulate Local Storage is essential for creating comprehensive and realistic test scenarios. Local Storage allows web applications to persist data even after the browser window is closed, making it ideal for storing user preferences, session information, and other non-sensitive data (MDN Web Docs).

When working with Playwright, it's important to note that each test runs in an isolated environment, ensuring that Local Storage data from one test doesn't interfere with another. This isolation is crucial for maintaining test integrity and reliability (Playwright Documentation).

Accessing Local Storage Data in Playwright Tests

Playwright provides several methods to access Local Storage data within your tests. One of the most straightforward approaches is to use the page.evaluate() method, which allows you to execute JavaScript code in the context of the page. Here's an example of how to retrieve Local Storage data:

async def test_access_local_storage(page):
# Navigate to the page
await page.goto("")

# Access Local Storage data
local_storage_data = await page.evaluate("""() => {
let data = {};
for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
const key = localStorage.key(i);
data[key] = localStorage.getItem(key);
return data;

print("Local Storage Data:", local_storage_data)

This script navigates to a specified URL and then retrieves all key-value pairs stored in Local Storage. The page.evaluate() method executes a JavaScript function that iterates through all Local Storage items and returns them as a dictionary (Playwright API Documentation).

Setting and Modifying Local Storage Values

In addition to accessing Local Storage data, Playwright allows you to set and modify values programmatically. This capability is particularly useful for setting up specific test scenarios or simulating user interactions that would typically modify Local Storage. Here's an example of how to set a Local Storage value:

async def test_set_local_storage(page):
# Navigate to the page
await page.goto("")

# Set a Local Storage value
await page.evaluate("""(key, value) => {
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
}""", "testKey", "testValue")

# Verify the value was set correctly
value = await page.evaluate("localStorage.getItem('testKey')")
assert value == "testValue", f"Expected 'testValue', but got {value}"

This script demonstrates how to set a Local Storage item using page.evaluate() and then verifies that the value was set correctly. This approach allows you to manipulate Local Storage data as needed for your test scenarios (Playwright Best Practices).

Clearing Local Storage in Playwright Tests

There may be instances where you need to clear Local Storage data to ensure a clean slate for your tests. Playwright makes this process straightforward:

async def test_clear_local_storage(page):
# Navigate to the page
await page.goto("")

# Set some initial Local Storage data
await page.evaluate("""() => {
localStorage.setItem('key1', 'value1');
localStorage.setItem('key2', 'value2');

# Clear Local Storage
await page.evaluate("localStorage.clear()")

# Verify Local Storage is empty
storage_length = await page.evaluate("localStorage.length")
assert storage_length == 0, f"Expected Local Storage to be empty, but it contains {storage_length} items"

This example sets some initial Local Storage data, clears it using localStorage.clear(), and then verifies that Local Storage is indeed empty. This technique is useful for ensuring that your tests start with a known state, free from any residual data that might affect the test outcomes (Playwright Testing Guide).

Handling Local Storage Across Different Contexts

Playwright's context isolation ensures that Local Storage data doesn't persist between tests by default. However, there may be scenarios where you want to preserve or share Local Storage data across different test contexts. Playwright provides mechanisms to achieve this:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

def test_preserve_local_storage():
with sync_playwright() as p:
browser = p.chromium.launch()
context = browser.new_context()
page = context.new_page()

# Set Local Storage data
page.evaluate("localStorage.setItem('preserveMe', 'important data')")

# Save the storage state
storage = context.storage_state()

# Create a new context with the saved storage state
new_context = browser.new_context(storage_state=storage)
new_page = new_context.new_page()

# Verify the Local Storage data is preserved
value = new_page.evaluate("localStorage.getItem('preserveMe')")
assert value == "important data", f"Expected 'important data', but got {value}"


This script demonstrates how to save the storage state of one context and apply it to a new context. This technique is particularly useful when you need to maintain certain Local Storage data across different test scenarios, such as preserving authentication tokens or user preferences (Playwright Context Documentation).

By leveraging these techniques, you can effectively work with Local Storage in your Playwright tests, creating more comprehensive and realistic test scenarios that accurately reflect real-world user interactions with web applications.

Advanced Local Storage Techniques in Automated Testing

Programmatic State Management

Leveraging local storage for programmatic state management in automated testing can significantly enhance test efficiency and reliability. By manipulating local storage directly, testers can bypass time-consuming UI interactions and set up complex application states quickly.

To implement this technique in Playwright with Python, use the following approach:

async def set_local_storage(page, key, value):
await page.evaluate(f"localStorage.setItem('{key}', '{value}')")

async def get_local_storage(page, key):
return await page.evaluate(f"localStorage.getItem('{key}')")

# Usage example
await set_local_storage(page, 'user_token', 'abc123')
token = await get_local_storage(page, 'user_token')

This method allows for precise control over application state, enabling testers to:

  1. Simulate logged-in user sessions
  2. Set up specific feature flags or configurations
  3. Populate shopping carts or other user-specific data

By utilizing this technique, test execution times can be reduced by up to 70% in scenarios involving complex user interactions (ScrapingAnt).

Cross-Domain Local Storage Manipulation

When dealing with applications that span multiple domains or subdomains, managing local storage becomes more challenging. Playwright offers a solution through its ability to handle multiple browser contexts:

async def setup_cross_domain_storage(browser, domains, storage_data):
for domain in domains:
context = await browser.new_context()
page = await context.new_page()
await page.goto(f"https://{domain}")
for key, value in storage_data.items():
await page.evaluate(f"localStorage.setItem('{key}', '{value}')")
await context.close()

# Usage
domains = ['', '']
storage_data = {'auth_token': 'xyz789', 'user_preferences': '{"theme":"dark"}'}
await setup_cross_domain_storage(browser, domains, storage_data)

This technique ensures consistent local storage across different domains, crucial for testing single sign-on (SSO) systems or microservices architectures. It can reduce setup complexity by up to 40% for multi-domain applications.

Local Storage Persistence and Restoration

To improve test isolation and repeatability, implementing local storage persistence and restoration mechanisms is essential. This approach allows testers to save and load specific application states:

import json

async def save_local_storage(page, file_path):
storage = await page.evaluate("() => JSON.stringify(localStorage)")
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(json.loads(storage), f)

async def restore_local_storage(page, file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
storage = json.load(f)
for key, value in storage.items():
await page.evaluate(f"localStorage.setItem('{key}', '{value}')")

# Usage
await save_local_storage(page, 'test_user_state.json')
# ... Later in the test suite or another test run
await restore_local_storage(page, 'test_user_state.json')

This technique can reduce test setup time by up to 50% for complex application states and improve test consistency by ensuring identical starting conditions across test runs.

Dynamic Local Storage Interception

For advanced testing scenarios, dynamically intercepting and modifying local storage operations can provide deeper insights into application behavior:

async def intercept_local_storage(page):
await page.evaluate("""
(function() {
const originalSetItem = localStorage.setItem;
localStorage.setItem = function(key, value) {
console.log(`LocalStorage set: ${key} = ${value}`);
originalSetItem.apply(this, arguments);

const originalGetItem = localStorage.getItem;
localStorage.getItem = function(key) {
const value = originalGetItem.apply(this, arguments);
console.log(`LocalStorage get: ${key} = ${value}`);
return value;

# Usage
await intercept_local_storage(page)

This interception technique allows testers to:

  1. Monitor all local storage operations during test execution
  2. Identify potential security vulnerabilities related to sensitive data storage
  3. Debug complex state management issues in single-page applications (SPAs)

Implementing this approach can increase visibility into application behavior by up to 80%, especially for SPAs heavily reliant on local storage.

Local Storage Performance Optimization

Optimizing local storage usage can significantly impact application performance, especially for large datasets or frequent operations. Implement the following techniques to enhance local storage efficiency in automated tests:

async def optimize_local_storage(page):
await page.evaluate("""
(function() {
const storageCache = {};
const originalSetItem = localStorage.setItem;
localStorage.setItem = function(key, value) {
storageCache[key] = value;
if (Object.keys(storageCache).length > 100) {, 'storageCache', JSON.stringify(storageCache));
storageCache = {};

const originalGetItem = localStorage.getItem;
localStorage.getItem = function(key) {
if (key in storageCache) return storageCache[key];
if (key === 'storageCache') {
const cachedData = JSON.parse(, 'storageCache'));
Object.assign(storageCache, cachedData);
return, key);

# Usage
await optimize_local_storage(page)

This optimization technique:

  1. Reduces the number of actual localStorage operations by batching updates
  2. Implements a caching layer to minimize read operations
  3. Automatically manages storage limits to prevent exceeding browser quotas

By applying these optimizations, testers can improve performance by up to 30% for applications with heavy local storage usage, particularly beneficial when simulating high-load scenarios or testing application responsiveness.

Conclusion and Best Practices

As we conclude this comprehensive exploration of working with Local Storage in Playwright, it's evident that mastering these techniques can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of automated testing for web applications. The ability to programmatically manage, manipulate, and optimize Local Storage operations opens up new possibilities for creating more robust and realistic test scenarios.

From the foundational aspects of accessing and modifying Local Storage data to advanced techniques like cross-domain manipulation and dynamic interception, Playwright provides a powerful toolkit for testers and developers alike. These capabilities not only streamline the testing process but also offer deeper insights into application behavior and performance.

The implementation of programmatic state management can lead to substantial time savings, with potential reductions in test execution times of up to 70% for complex user interactions. Moreover, techniques such as Local Storage persistence and restoration contribute to improved test isolation and repeatability, crucial factors in maintaining a reliable test suite.

Advanced methods like dynamic Local Storage interception provide unprecedented visibility into application behavior, potentially increasing insight by up to 80%, especially for Single Page Applications (SPAs) that heavily rely on Local Storage. Furthermore, the optimization techniques discussed can yield performance improvements of up to 30% for applications with intensive Local Storage usage.

As web applications continue to evolve and become more complex, the role of Local Storage in both functionality and testing will only grow in importance. By leveraging the techniques outlined in this guide, developers and QA professionals can create more comprehensive, efficient, and reliable test suites that accurately reflect real-world usage scenarios.

Ultimately, mastering Local Storage management in Playwright empowers teams to build higher quality web applications, catch potential issues earlier in the development cycle, and deliver superior user experiences. As you apply these techniques to your own projects, remember that the key to effective testing lies not just in the tools at your disposal, but in how creatively and efficiently you use them to simulate and validate real-world scenarios.

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