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How to Parse XML in C++

· 9 min read
Oleg Kulyk

How to Parse XML in C++

Parsing XML in C++ is a critical skill for developers who need to handle structured data efficiently and accurately. XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a versatile format for data representation and interchange, widely used in web services, configuration files, and data exchange protocols. Parsing XML involves reading XML documents and converting them into a usable format for further processing. C++ developers have a variety of XML parsing libraries at their disposal, each with its own strengths and trade-offs. This guide will explore popular XML parsing libraries for C++, including Xerces-C++, RapidXML, PugiXML, TinyXML, and libxml++, and provide insights into different parsing techniques such as top-down and bottom-up parsing. Understanding these tools and techniques is essential for building robust and efficient applications that require XML data processing. For more information on XML parsing, you can refer to Apache Xerces-C++, RapidXML, PugiXML, TinyXML, and libxml++.

1. Xerces-C++

Xerces-C++ is a robust and feature-rich XML parsing library developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is known for its comprehensive support of XML standards and its ability to handle complex XML processing tasks.

Key Features:

  • Fully validating XML 1.0 parser
  • Compliant with XML 1.0, partially XML 1.1, DOM levels 1, 2, and partially 3, SAX 1.0/2.0, Namespaces, and XML Schema
  • Extensive documentation, examples, and tutorials

Performance Considerations:

  • Size of Windows DLL is approximately 1.8MB
  • Reported to be relatively slow compared to some lightweight alternatives

Code Sample:

#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>

using namespace xercesc;

int main() {
try {
} catch (const XMLException& e) {
char* message = XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage());
std::cerr << "Error during initialization: " << message << std::endl;
return 1;

XercesDOMParser* parser = new XercesDOMParser();

DOMDocument* doc = parser->getDocument();
DOMElement* root = doc->getDocumentElement();

// Process the XML document
// ...

delete parser;
return 0;


  • Initialization: The XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() function initializes the Xerces-C++ library.
  • Parsing: XercesDOMParser parses the XML file example.xml.
  • Document Handling: getDocument() retrieves the parsed XML document, and getDocumentElement() gets the root element for further processing.
  • Cleanup: Proper cleanup by deleting the parser and terminating the library with XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate().

Xerces-C++ Documentation

2. RapidXML

RapidXML is a DOM-style parser known for its exceptional speed and small footprint. It is designed to be as fast as possible while maintaining a simple and hassle-free integration process.

Key Features:

  • Entire library contained in a single header file
  • No building or configuration required
  • In-situ parsing for improved performance

Performance Considerations:

  • Claims to be one of the fastest XML parsers available
  • Minimal memory footprint

Code Sample:

#include "rapidxml.hpp"
#include "rapidxml_utils.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace rapidxml;

int main() {
file<> xmlFile("example.xml");
xml_document<> doc;
xml_node<> *root = doc.first_node();

// Process the XML document
// ...

return 0;


  • File Reading: file<> xmlFile("example.xml") reads the XML file into memory.
  • Parsing: xml_document<> doc creates a RapidXML document object and parses the XML content.
  • Document Handling: first_node() retrieves the root element for further processing.

RapidXML Documentation

3. PugiXML

PugiXML is a lightweight, simple, and fast XML parser for C++. It offers a good balance between performance, features, and ease of use.

Key Features:

  • DOM-style parser with XPath support
  • Small code size and fast parsing
  • Unicode support

Performance Considerations:

  • Competitive parsing speed, often outperforming larger libraries
  • Low memory footprint

Code Sample:

#include "pugixml.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace pugi;

int main() {
xml_document doc;
xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("example.xml");

if (!result) {
std::cerr << "XML parsed with errors, attr value: [" << doc.child("node").attribute("attr").value() << "]\n"
<< "Error description: " << result.description() << "\n";
return 1;

xml_node root = doc.child("root");

// Process the XML document
// ...

return 0;


  • File Reading: xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("example.xml") loads and parses the XML file.
  • Error Handling: Checks if the parsing was successful and reports errors if any.
  • Document Handling: child("root") retrieves the root element for further processing.

PugiXML Documentation

4. TinyXML

TinyXML is one of the most popular lightweight XML parsers for C++. It's known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized projects.

Key Features:

  • Simple and intuitive API
  • DOM-style parser
  • Small code footprint

Performance Considerations:

  • Generally slower than some more optimized parsers
  • Relatively low memory usage

Code Sample:

#include "tinyxml2.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace tinyxml2;

int main() {
XMLDocument doc;
XMLError eResult = doc.LoadFile("example.xml");

if (eResult != XML_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "Error loading file: " << eResult << std::endl;
return eResult;

XMLNode* root = doc.FirstChild();

// Process the XML document
// ...

return 0;


  • File Reading: doc.LoadFile("example.xml") loads and parses the XML file.
  • Error Handling: Checks if the parsing was successful and reports errors if any.
  • Document Handling: FirstChild() retrieves the root element for further processing.

TinyXML Documentation

5. libxml++

libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the popular libxml2 library. It provides a more C++-friendly interface to the powerful features of libxml2.

Key Features:

  • Standard C++ interface to libxml2
  • Support for DOM and SAX parsing styles
  • Extensive XML feature support inherited from libxml2

Performance Considerations:

  • Performance is generally good, benefiting from libxml2's optimizations
  • Memory usage can be higher due to the additional abstraction layer

Code Sample:

#include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace xmlpp;

int main() {
try {
DomParser parser;

if (parser) {
const Document* doc = parser.get_document();
const Node* root = doc->get_root_node();

// Process the XML document
// ...
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;

return 0;


  • Parsing: parser.parse_file("example.xml") loads and parses the XML file.
  • Error Handling: Catches exceptions if any errors occur during parsing.
  • Document Handling: get_root_node() retrieves the root element for further processing.

libxml++ Documentation

When choosing an XML parsing library for C++, developers should consider factors such as parsing speed, memory usage, ease of use, and required XML features. Based on benchmark data from the pugixml website, we can observe some performance comparisons:

  1. Parsing Speed: RapidXML and PugiXML consistently outperform other libraries, often by a significant margin. For instance, in parsing a 10MB XMark test file, PugiXML was about 2-3 times faster than TinyXML and 5-6 times faster than libxml2.

  2. Memory Usage: Lightweight parsers like RapidXML and PugiXML generally use less memory than full-featured libraries like Xerces-C++. In the same 10MB XMark test, PugiXML used about half the memory of libxml2 and a third of what Xerces-C++ required.

  3. DOM Tree Size: The size of the resulting DOM tree can vary significantly between parsers. PugiXML and RapidXML tend to produce smaller DOM trees compared to Xerces-C++ and libxml2, which can be beneficial for memory-constrained environments.

It's important to note that these performance metrics can vary depending on the specific XML document structure and the parsing task at hand. Developers should consider conducting their own benchmarks with representative data to make the best choice for their particular use case. (PugiXML Benchmark)

In conclusion, the choice of XML parsing library for C++ depends on the specific requirements of the project. For high-performance needs with a focus on speed and low memory usage, RapidXML or PugiXML are excellent choices. For full XML specification compliance and advanced features, Xerces-C++ or libxml++ (via libxml2) are more suitable. For simpler projects prioritizing ease of use, TinyXML remains a popular option. By carefully considering these factors, developers can select the most appropriate XML parsing library for their C++ projects.

Parsing techniques are essential in programming and computer science for analyzing and interpreting structured data. This article delves into various parsing techniques, their importance, applications, and practical examples to enhance understanding.

XML Parsing Techniques

Parsing techniques are methods used to break down and analyze structured data, typically in the form of code or text. These techniques are fundamental in compilers, interpreters, and data processing tools. Understanding parsing techniques is crucial for developers working with languages and data formats.

Types of Parsing Techniques

Top-Down Parsing

Top-down parsing starts from the highest-level construct and works its way down to the specifics. It includes methods like recursive descent parsing.

Bottom-Up Parsing

Bottom-up parsing, on the other hand, starts with the input and gradually works its way up to the higher-level structures. An example is LR parsing.

Recursive Descent Parsing

Recursive descent parsing is a straightforward and intuitive method where each non-terminal in the grammar has a corresponding function.

# Example of a simple recursive descent parser for arithmetic expressions
def parse_expression(expression):
tokens = expression.split()
def parse_term(tokens):
token = tokens.pop(0)
if token.isdigit():
return int(token)
elif token == '(':
result = parse_expression(tokens)
tokens.pop(0) # Remove the closing parenthesis
return result

def parse_expression(tokens):
result = parse_term(tokens)
while tokens and tokens[0] in ('+', '-'):
op = tokens.pop(0)
if op == '+':
result += parse_term(tokens)
elif op == '-':
result -= parse_term(tokens)
return result

return parse_expression(tokens)

# Explanation:
# - The `parse_term` function handles numerical values and parentheses.
# - The `parse_expression` function processes terms and handles addition and subtraction.
# - Tokens are processed one at a time, and the result is built up as the expression is parsed.

Use Cases

Parsing techniques are widely used in compilers to translate source code into machine code, in data processing tools to interpret data formats like JSON and XML, and in natural language processing to understand and generate human language.


In conclusion, selecting the right XML parsing library for C++ projects hinges on specific requirements such as parsing speed, memory usage, ease of use, and the complexity of XML features needed. Libraries like RapidXML and PugiXML are excellent choices for high-performance needs, offering fast parsing speeds and low memory usage. Conversely, Xerces-C++ and libxml++ are more suitable for projects that require comprehensive XML specification compliance and advanced features. TinyXML remains a popular option for simpler projects due to its straightforward API and ease of use. Additionally, understanding various parsing techniques, including top-down and bottom-up parsing, enhances a developer's ability to process structured data effectively. By carefully considering these factors, developers can choose the most appropriate XML parsing library and techniques for their C++ projects, ensuring efficient and robust XML data handling. For further reading and resources, you can explore PugiXML Benchmarks and the book 'Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools' by Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman.

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