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Web Scraping with Haskell - A Comprehensive Tutorial

· 14 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Web Scraping with Haskell - A Comprehensive Tutorial

Web scraping has become an essential tool for data extraction from websites, enabling developers to gather information for various applications such as market research, competitive analysis, and content aggregation. Haskell, a statically-typed, functional programming language, offers a robust ecosystem for web scraping through its strong type system, concurrency capabilities, and extensive libraries. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of web scraping with Haskell, covering everything from setting up the development environment to leveraging advanced techniques for efficient and reliable scraping.

Setting up a Haskell web scraping environment involves installing Haskell and Stack, a cross-platform build tool that simplifies dependency management and project building. By configuring essential libraries such as http-conduit, html-conduit, and xml-conduit, developers can create a solid foundation for sending HTTP requests, parsing HTML, and extracting data.

Popular Haskell web scraping libraries like Scalpel, TagSoup, HandsomeSoup, Wreq, and WebDriver offer various functionalities, from high-level declarative interfaces to low-level control for handling dynamic content rendered by JavaScript. These libraries provide powerful tools for precise targeting of HTML elements, robust error handling, and efficient HTTP requests.

Advanced techniques such as leveraging concurrency, implementing error handling and retries, optimizing memory usage with streaming, and creating domain-specific languages (DSLs) further enhance the efficiency and maintainability of web scraping projects. Haskell's support for concurrent programming through libraries like async and parallel, along with caching strategies and DSLs, enables developers to tackle complex scraping tasks effectively.

Setting Up a Haskell Web Scraping Environment: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Installing Haskell and Stack

To begin web scraping with Haskell, you need to set up a proper development environment. The first step is to install Haskell and Stack, a cross-platform build tool for Haskell projects. Stack simplifies dependency management and project building.

  1. Download and install Stack from the official website (Haskell Tool Stack).

  2. Verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal:

    stack --version
  3. Set up a new Haskell project using Stack:

    stack new my-web-scraper
    cd my-web-scraper

This creates a new directory with a basic Haskell project structure.

Configuring Dependencies

For web scraping, you'll need to add specific libraries to your project. Edit the package.yaml file in your project directory to include the following dependencies:

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- http-conduit
- html-conduit
- xml-conduit
- text
- bytestring

These libraries provide essential functionality for HTTP requests, HTML parsing, and text manipulation. After adding the dependencies, run stack build to download and compile them.

Setting Up the Main Module

Create a new file named Main.hs in the src directory of your project. This will be the entry point for your web scraping application. Start with the following basic structure:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import qualified Data.Text as T -- For text manipulation
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO -- To handle text input/output
import Network.HTTP.Simple -- For HTTP requests
import Text.HTML.DOM -- To parse HTML documents
import Text.XML.Cursor -- For navigating parsed HTML

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Web scraper initialized"

This setup imports necessary modules and provides a starting point for your scraping logic.

Implementing Basic HTTP Requests

To fetch web pages, you'll use the http-conduit library. Here's a basic function to retrieve the HTML content of a webpage:

fetchURL :: String -> IO T.Text
fetchURL url = do
request <- parseRequest url
response <- httpLBS request
return $ T.pack $ show $ getResponseBody response

This function takes a URL as input, sends an HTTP GET request, and returns the response body as Text.

Parsing HTML Content

Once you've fetched the HTML content, you'll need to parse it to extract the desired information. The html-conduit and xml-conduit libraries provide powerful tools for this purpose. Here's an example of how to parse HTML and extract specific elements:

extractElements :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
extractElements html =
let doc = parseLBS $ encodeUtf8 html
cursor = fromDocument doc
in cursor $// element "div" >=> attributeIs "class" "target-class" &// content

This function parses the HTML, creates a cursor for navigation, and extracts the text content of all div elements with a specific class.

Handling Errors and Rate Limiting

When scraping websites, it's crucial to implement error handling and respect rate limits to avoid overwhelming the target server or getting your IP blocked. Here's an example of how to implement basic error handling and rate limiting:

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)

scrapeSafely :: String -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
scrapeSafely url = catch (Just <$> fetchURL url) handleError
handleError :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe T.Text)
handleError e = do
putStrLn $ "Error scraping " ++ url ++ ": " ++ show e
return Nothing

scrapeWithDelay :: [String] -> IO [Maybe T.Text]
scrapeWithDelay urls = mapM scrapeUrl urls
scrapeUrl url = do
threadDelay 1000000 -- 1 second delay
scrapeSafely url

This implementation adds a 1-second delay between requests and catches any exceptions that might occur during the scraping process.

By following these steps, you'll have a solid foundation for web scraping with Haskell. The environment you've set up provides the necessary tools for sending HTTP requests, parsing HTML, and extracting data from web pages. Remember to always respect the terms of service of the websites you're scraping and consider using official APIs when available.

As you develop your web scraping projects, you may want to explore additional libraries like scalpel for more advanced scraping capabilities, or async for concurrent scraping of multiple pages. These tools can significantly enhance your web scraping efficiency and capabilities in Haskell.


Scalpel is one of the most widely used and powerful web scraping libraries for Haskell. It provides a high-level, declarative interface for extracting data from HTML documents (GitHub - fimad/scalpel).

Key Features:

  1. Declarative Syntax: Scalpel allows developers to define scrapers using a declarative, monadic interface. This makes it easier to express complex scraping logic in a concise manner (Hackage - scalpel).

  2. Selectors: The library uses a powerful selector system inspired by libraries like Parsec and Perl's Web::Scraper. Selectors can be combined using tag combinators, allowing for precise targeting of HTML elements.

  3. Attribute Predicates: Scalpel supports predicates on tag attributes, enabling fine-grained control over element selection based on attribute values.

  4. Error Handling: The library provides explicit error handling capabilities through its MonadError instance, allowing developers to throw and catch errors within parsing code.

  5. Monad Transformer Support: Scalpel's ScraperT monad transformer allows for easy integration with other monads, enabling operations like HTTP requests to be performed within the scraping context.

Usage Example:

import Text.HTML.Scalpel

scraper :: Scraper String [String]
scraper = chroots ("div" @: [hasClass "comment"]) $ text "p"

main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- scrapeURL "" scraper
case result of
Just comments -> print comments
Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to scrape comments"

This example demonstrates how to use Scalpel to extract comments from a hypothetical webpage (Medium - Web scraping in Haskell using Scalpel).


TagSoup is a lower-level HTML parsing library that serves as the foundation for many Haskell web scraping tools, including Scalpel. While it requires more manual work compared to higher-level libraries, TagSoup offers great flexibility and performance (Hackage - tagsoup).

Key Features:

  1. Robust Parsing: TagSoup can handle malformed HTML, making it suitable for scraping real-world websites that may not always follow strict HTML standards.

  2. Stream-based Processing: The library supports stream-based processing of HTML, allowing for efficient handling of large documents.

  3. Low-level Control: TagSoup provides fine-grained control over the parsing process, which can be beneficial for complex scraping tasks.

  4. Performance: Due to its low-level nature, TagSoup can offer better performance compared to higher-level libraries in certain scenarios.

Usage Example:

import Text.HTML.TagSoup

main :: IO ()
main = do
tags <- parseTags <$> readFile "example.html"
let links = [url | TagOpen "a" attrs <- tags, (key, url) <- attrs, key == "href"]
mapM_ putStrLn links

This example demonstrates how to use TagSoup to extract all hyperlinks from an HTML file (Hackage - tagsoup).


HandsomeSoup is a library that combines the power of TagSoup with a more user-friendly interface inspired by Python's BeautifulSoup library. It aims to provide a balance between the low-level control of TagSoup and the ease of use of higher-level libraries (Hackage - HandsomeSoup).

Key Features:

  1. Familiar Interface: HandsomeSoup provides an interface similar to BeautifulSoup, making it easier for developers familiar with Python web scraping to transition to Haskell.

  2. CSS Selector Support: The library supports CSS-style selectors for element targeting, allowing for intuitive and powerful element selection.

  3. Tree Navigation: HandsomeSoup offers methods for navigating the HTML tree structure, including parent, child, and sibling relationships.

  4. Integration with TagSoup: Being built on top of TagSoup, HandsomeSoup inherits its robust parsing capabilities while providing a more convenient API.

Usage Example:

import Text.HTML.HandsomeSoup
import Text.XML.HXT.Core

main :: IO ()
main = do
doc <- parseHtml <$> readFile "example.html"
let titles = doc $// css "h1"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show) titles

This example shows how to use HandsomeSoup to extract all <h1> elements from an HTML file (Hackage - HandsomeSoup).


While not strictly a web scraping library, Wreq is a popular HTTP client library for Haskell that is often used in conjunction with parsing libraries for web scraping tasks. It provides a high-level interface for making HTTP requests, which is essential for fetching web pages to scrape (Hackage - wreq).

Key Features:

  1. Simplified HTTP Requests: Wreq offers a simple and intuitive API for making various types of HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).

  2. Session Management: The library supports session management, allowing for efficient handling of multiple requests to the same site.

  3. Authentication Support: Wreq includes built-in support for various authentication methods, including Basic and OAuth.

  4. Lens Integration: The library makes extensive use of lenses, providing a powerful and flexible way to work with request and response data.

Usage Example:

import Network.Wreq
import Control.Lens

main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- get ""
putStrLn $ "Status: " ++ show (r ^. responseStatus . statusCode)
putStrLn $ "Body: " ++ show (r ^. responseBody)

This example demonstrates how to use Wreq to make a GET request and access the response data (Hackage - wreq).


For scraping dynamic websites that rely heavily on JavaScript, the WebDriver library provides Haskell bindings to the Selenium WebDriver protocol. This allows for automated browser control and interaction with JavaScript-rendered content (Hackage - webdriver).

Key Features:

  1. Browser Automation: WebDriver enables control of real browser instances, allowing for interaction with dynamic web pages (Hackage - webdriver).

  2. JavaScript Execution: The library supports executing JavaScript within the browser context, enabling complex interactions and data extraction (Hackage - webdriver).

  3. Wait Conditions: WebDriver provides mechanisms for waiting for specific elements or conditions, which is crucial when dealing with asynchronously loaded content (Hackage - webdriver).

  4. Multiple Browser Support: The library supports various browser drivers, including Chrome, Firefox, and PhantomJS (Hackage - webdriver).

Usage Example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Test.WebDriver

main :: IO ()
main = runSession defaultConfig $ do
openPage ""
element <- findElem (ByCSS "button.load-more")
click element
content <- findElem (ByCSS ".dynamic-content") >>= getText
liftIO $ putStrLn content

This example shows how to use WebDriver to interact with a dynamic website, clicking a button and extracting content that may be loaded asynchronously (Hackage - webdriver).

Advanced Techniques for Web Scraping with Haskell: Concurrency, Caching, and More

Leveraging Concurrent and Parallel Scraping

Haskell's strong support for concurrency and parallelism can significantly enhance web scraping performance. The async library (Hackage: async) allows you to perform concurrent programming in Haskell. In the concurrentScrape function, mapConcurrently is used to run the scrapeURL function on multiple URLs simultaneously, which can significantly reduce the time required for large-scale scraping tasks.

import Control.Concurrent.Async

concurrentScrape :: [URL] -> IO [Result]
concurrentScrape urls = mapConcurrently scrapeURL urls

This approach allows multiple URLs to be scraped simultaneously, utilizing system resources more efficiently. For even greater performance, consider using the parallel package (Hackage: parallel) to distribute scraping tasks across multiple CPU cores.

Implementing Robust Error Handling and Retries

Web scraping often encounters network issues, rate limiting, or unexpected HTML structures. Implementing robust error handling and retry mechanisms is crucial for reliable scraping. The exceptions library (Hackage: exceptions) provides a flexible framework for handling various types of exceptions. In the robustScrape function, recovering is used to implement an exponential backoff strategy, which retries the scraping operation in case of transient network failures. The Handler is used to catch specific exceptions, such as HttpException, and decide whether to retry.

import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Retry

robustScrape :: URL -> IO (Maybe Result)
robustScrape url = recovering (exponentialBackoff 3 <> limitRetries 5)
[const $ Handler (\(_ :: HttpException) -> return True)]
(scrapeURL url)

This implementation uses exponential backoff and limits retries to handle transient failures gracefully. Combining this with concurrent scraping can create a powerful and resilient scraping system.

Optimizing Memory Usage with Streaming Techniques

For scraping large datasets or dealing with memory constraints, streaming techniques can be invaluable. The conduit library (Hackage: conduit) offers a powerful streaming abstraction that allows processing data in constant memory.

import Conduit

streamingScrape :: ConduitT URL IO Result
streamingScrape = awaitForever $ \url -> do
result <- liftIO $ scrapeURL url
yield result

This approach enables processing URLs and results as a stream, reducing memory overhead and allowing for efficient pipelining of scraping operations.

Implementing Intelligent Caching Strategies

To minimize unnecessary network requests and improve scraping efficiency, implementing intelligent caching strategies is crucial. The cache library (Hackage: cache) provides flexible caching mechanisms that can be integrated into scraping workflows.

import Data.Cache

type ScraperCache = Cache URL Result

cachedScrape :: ScraperCache -> URL -> IO Result
cachedScrape cache url = do
cached <- lookup cache url
case cached of
Just result -> return result
Nothing -> do
result <- scrapeURL url
insert cache url result
return result

This caching strategy can significantly reduce network load and improve scraping speed for frequently accessed pages. Consider implementing time-based or content-based cache invalidation to ensure data freshness.

Leveraging Domain-Specific Languages for Scraping Logic

For complex scraping tasks, creating a domain-specific language (DSL) can simplify scraping logic and improve maintainability. Haskell's strong type system and support for embedded DSLs make it an excellent choice for this approach. The free monad (Hackage: free) can be used to create expressive and composable scraping DSLs.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data ScraperF a where
GetElement :: Selector -> ScraperF Element
ExtractText :: Element -> ScraperF Text
FollowLink :: URL -> ScraperF Page

type Scraper a = Free ScraperF a

runScraper :: Scraper a -> IO a
runScraper = foldFree interpreter
interpreter :: ScraperF a -> IO a
interpreter (GetElement sel) = -- implementation
interpreter (ExtractText el) = -- implementation
interpreter (FollowLink url) = -- implementation

This DSL approach allows for creating complex scraping logic in a declarative manner, improving code readability and maintainability. It also provides a clear separation between scraping logic and implementation details, making it easier to adapt to changes in website structures or scraping requirements.

By leveraging these advanced techniques, Haskell developers can create powerful, efficient, and maintainable web scraping solutions. The combination of Haskell's strong type system, concurrency support, and rich ecosystem of libraries makes it an excellent choice for tackling complex web scraping challenges. As web scraping often involves ethical and legal considerations, it's crucial to respect website terms of service, implement appropriate rate limiting, and adhere to ethical scraping practices.


In conclusion, Haskell offers a powerful and flexible framework for web scraping, backed by a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. By setting up a robust development environment with Haskell and Stack, and leveraging libraries such as Scalpel, TagSoup, HandsomeSoup, Wreq, and WebDriver, developers can efficiently perform web scraping tasks. The advanced techniques discussed, including concurrency, error handling, streaming, caching, and domain-specific languages, provide additional layers of efficiency and maintainability to scraping projects.

As developers embark on their web scraping journey with Haskell, it is crucial to adhere to ethical standards, respect website terms of service, and consider using official APIs when available. By combining Haskell's strong type system, concurrency support, and advanced scraping techniques, developers can create reliable, efficient, and maintainable web scraping solutions that meet their data extraction needs.

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