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How to Parse HTML in C++

· 15 min read
Oleg Kulyk

How to Parse HTML in C++

HTML parsing is a fundamental process in web development and data extraction. It involves breaking down HTML documents into their constituent elements, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the structure and content. In the context of C++, HTML parsing can be particularly advantageous due to the language's high performance and low-level control. However, the process also presents challenges, such as handling nested elements, malformed HTML, and varying HTML versions.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth exploration of HTML parsing in C++. It covers essential concepts such as tokenization, tree construction, and DOM (Document Object Model) representation, along with practical code examples. We will delve into various parsing techniques, discuss performance considerations, and highlight best practices for robust error handling. Furthermore, we will review some of the most popular HTML parsing libraries available for C++, including Gumbo Parser, libxml++, Boost.Beast, MyHTML, and TinyXML-2, to help developers choose the best tool for their specific needs.

Comprehensive Guide to HTML Parsing in C++: Techniques, Code Examples, and Best Practices


HTML parsing is a crucial process in web development and data extraction. In C++, HTML parsing involves breaking down HTML documents into their constituent elements, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the structure and content. This guide will cover the fundamentals of HTML parsing in C++, including tokenization, tree construction, and DOM (Document Object Model) representation. We will also provide code examples, discuss performance considerations, and explore best practices for robust error handling.

Fundamentals of HTML Parsing

HTML parsing in C++ typically includes tokenization, tree construction, and DOM representation (LevelUp). C++ offers several advantages for HTML parsing, including high performance and low-level control. However, it also presents challenges due to the complexity of HTML structures and the need for robust error handling. Developers must consider factors such as nested elements, malformed HTML, and various HTML versions when implementing a parser (CodeReview StackExchange).

Parsing Techniques and Algorithms


Tokenization is the first step in HTML parsing, where the input HTML string is broken down into individual tokens. In C++, this can be achieved using various techniques:

  1. Regular Expressions: While not recommended for full HTML parsing due to limitations in handling nested structures, regex can be useful for simple extraction tasks.

  2. Character-by-Character Parsing: This involves iterating through the HTML string, identifying tag openings, closings, and content. It provides more control but requires careful implementation to handle all HTML nuances.

Here is an example of tokenization using character-by-character parsing:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Token structure to hold HTML tokens
struct Token {
std::string type;
std::string value;

// Function to tokenize HTML input
std::vector<Token> tokenize(const std::string& html) {
std::vector<Token> tokens;
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos < html.size()) {
if (html[pos] == '<') {
size_t endPos = html.find('>', pos);
if (endPos != std::string::npos) {
tokens.push_back({"TAG", html.substr(pos, endPos - pos + 1)});
pos = endPos + 1;
} else {
break; // Malformed HTML
} else {
size_t endPos = html.find('<', pos);
tokens.push_back({"TEXT", html.substr(pos, endPos - pos)});
pos = endPos;
return tokens;

// Main function to demonstrate tokenization
int main() {
std::string html = "<html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>";
std::vector<Token> tokens = tokenize(html);

for (const auto& token : tokens) {
std::cout << "Type: " << token.type << ", Value: " << token.value << std::endl;

return 0;

Detailed Explanation:

  • Token Structure: Define a Token structure to hold the type and value of each HTML token.
  • Tokenize Function: Implement the tokenize function to break down the HTML input into tokens. The function iterates through the HTML string, identifying tags and text content.
  • Main Function: Demonstrate the usage of the tokenize function with a sample HTML string, printing out the tokens.
  1. State Machine: A more sophisticated approach uses a state machine to track the parsing context, allowing for accurate handling of different HTML elements and attributes.

Tree Construction

After tokenization, the parser constructs a tree representation of the HTML document. In C++, this often involves creating custom data structures to represent HTML elements and their relationships. Key considerations include:

  • Efficient memory management to handle large documents
  • Proper handling of nested elements
  • Dealing with self-closing tags and void elements

Here's an example of constructing a simple tree:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Node structure to represent HTML elements
struct Node {
std::string tag;
std::vector<Node> children;

// Function to add a child node
void addChild(Node& parent, const std::string& tag) {
Node child = { tag, {} };

// Main function to demonstrate tree construction
int main() {
Node root = { "html", {} };
addChild(root, "head");
addChild(root, "body");

std::cout << "Root tag: " << root.tag << std::endl;
for (const auto& child : root.children) {
std::cout << "Child tag: " << child.tag << std::endl;

return 0;

Detailed Explanation:

  • Node Structure: Define a Node structure to represent HTML elements, with a tag and a list of children.
  • AddChild Function: Implement the addChild function to add a child node to a parent node.
  • Main Function: Demonstrate tree construction by creating a root node and adding child nodes.

DOM Representation

The final step is creating a DOM representation, which allows for easy traversal and manipulation of the HTML structure. In C++, this typically involves implementing classes for different node types (elements, attributes, text nodes) and methods for accessing and modifying the tree structure.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Node class for DOM representation
class Node {
std::string tag;
std::vector<Node*> children;

Node(const std::string& tag) : tag(tag) {}

void addChild(Node* child) {

void print() {
std::cout << "<" << tag << ">" << std::endl;
for (auto child : children) {
std::cout << "</" << tag << ">" << std::endl;

// Main function to demonstrate DOM representation
int main() {
Node* root = new Node("html");
Node* body = new Node("body");
Node* p = new Node("p");

p->addChild(new Node("Text content"));


// Cleanup
delete root;
delete body;
delete p;

return 0;

Detailed Explanation:

  • Node Class: Define a Node class for DOM representation, with methods to add children and print the DOM structure.
  • Main Function: Demonstrate creating a simple DOM structure and printing it.

Performance Considerations

Performance is a critical factor in HTML parsing, especially for large documents or high-throughput applications. C++ parsers can achieve high performance through:

  1. Optimized Memory Usage: Utilizing smart pointers and efficient data structures to minimize memory overhead.

  2. Stream Processing: Instead of loading the entire HTML document into memory, processing it as a stream can significantly reduce memory usage for large files.

  3. Parallel Processing: Leveraging C++'s multithreading capabilities to parse different sections of the document concurrently, potentially using libraries like POSIX Threads (MyHTML).

  4. Benchmarking: Regular performance testing is crucial to identify bottlenecks and optimize parsing algorithms.

Error Handling and Robustness

HTML parsing in C++ must account for the often messy nature of real-world HTML. Robust error handling is essential for creating a reliable parser:

  1. Malformed HTML: The parser should gracefully handle missing closing tags, improperly nested elements, and other common HTML errors.

  2. Entity Handling: Proper decoding of HTML entities (e.g., &, <) is necessary for accurate content representation.

  3. Encoding Detection: Supporting various character encodings, including UTF-8 and legacy encodings, is crucial for parsing international web content.

Integration with C++ Ecosystems

HTML parsers in C++ often need to integrate with other libraries and frameworks:

  1. STL Integration: Utilizing C++'s Standard Template Library for efficient data structures and algorithms can significantly improve parser performance and maintainability.

  2. Boost Libraries: Boost.Spirit and other Boost libraries can provide powerful tools for parsing and manipulating HTML (CodeReview StackExchange).

  3. JavaScript Engine Integration: For more complex applications, such as web browsers, the ability to integrate with JavaScript engines is crucial. This requires careful design to allow for dynamic modifications to the DOM during parsing (MyHTML).

  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring the parser works across different operating systems and compilers is important for widespread adoption.


HTML parsing in C++ offers powerful capabilities for web-related applications, from simple data extraction to full-fledged browser engines. By focusing on efficient algorithms, robust error handling, and integration with the C++ ecosystem, developers can create high-performance HTML parsers tailored to their specific needs. As web technologies continue to evolve, C++ parsers must also adapt to handle new HTML features and maintain compatibility with the latest web standards.


When developing C++ applications that need to interact with HTML content, having a reliable HTML parsing library can make a significant difference. This article explores some of the best HTML parsing libraries for C++, including use cases, pros, cons, and practical examples.

Gumbo Parser


Gumbo Parser, developed by Google, is a robust and efficient HTML parsing library for C++. It implements the HTML5 parsing algorithm, making it highly compliant with modern web standards. Key features of Gumbo Parser include:

  1. Standards Compliance: Gumbo follows the HTML5 specification, ensuring accurate parsing of even complex HTML structures (Google GitHub).

  2. Performance: The library is designed for speed and efficiency, making it suitable for processing large volumes of HTML data.

  3. Memory Management: Gumbo uses a single allocation for the entire parse tree, which can be freed with a single call, simplifying memory management.

  4. C99 Compatibility: Written in C99, it can be easily integrated into C++ projects with minimal overhead.

  5. Error Handling: Gumbo provides robust error handling, allowing developers to identify and address parsing issues effectively.

Example Usage

#include "gumbo.h"

GumboOutput* output = gumbo_parse("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>");
// Process the parsed output
gumbo_destroy_output(&kGumboDefaultOptions, output); // Free the memory allocated for the parse tree

Pros and Cons


  • Highly compliant with HTML5 standards
  • Efficient memory management
  • Robust error handling


  • Limited to HTML5 parsing
  • Requires manual memory management

Real-world Applications

Gumbo Parser's simplicity and performance make it a popular choice for C++ developers working with HTML parsing tasks, particularly in web scraping, data extraction, and content analysis projects.



libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml2 library, providing a comprehensive set of tools for parsing and manipulating XML and HTML documents. While primarily focused on XML, it also offers robust HTML parsing capabilities. Key features include:

  1. DOM and SAX Parsing: libxml++ supports both Document Object Model (DOM) and Simple API for XML (SAX) parsing methods, offering flexibility in handling different parsing scenarios.

  2. XPath Support: The library includes XPath functionality, allowing developers to navigate and query HTML documents efficiently.

  3. Extensive Documentation: libxml++ comes with comprehensive documentation, making it easier for developers to integrate and use the library effectively (

  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: It can be used on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  5. Unicode Support: libxml++ handles Unicode text, ensuring proper parsing of international character sets.

Example Usage

#include <libxml++/libxml++.h>

xmlpp::DomParser parser;
xmlpp::Node* root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
// Process the parsed HTML, such as navigating through the DOM tree

Pros and Cons


  • Supports both DOM and SAX parsing
  • Includes XPath functionality
  • Cross-platform compatibility


  • Primarily focused on XML
  • Can be complex for simple HTML parsing tasks

Real-world Applications

libxml++ is particularly useful for projects that require both XML and HTML parsing capabilities, offering a unified approach to markup processing. It is widely used in data integration, transformation applications, and content management systems (Stack Overflow).



Boost.Beast, while primarily known for its HTTP and WebSocket functionality, also provides HTML parsing capabilities through its integration with Boost.Spirit. Key features of Boost.Beast for HTML parsing include:

  1. Header-Only Library: Boost.Beast is a header-only library, simplifying integration into existing projects without additional compilation steps.

  2. Performance: Leveraging Boost.Spirit's parsing engine, Beast offers high-performance HTML parsing capabilities.

  3. Flexibility: Developers can create custom parsers tailored to specific HTML structures or requirements.

  4. Boost Ecosystem Integration: Being part of the Boost libraries, it integrates seamlessly with other Boost components, providing a comprehensive toolkit for C++ development.

  5. Asynchronous Processing: Boost.Beast supports asynchronous operations, allowing for efficient handling of large HTML documents or multiple files simultaneously.

Example Usage

#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http.hpp>

namespace http = boost::beast::http;

http::request<http::string_body> req{http::verb::get, "/", 11};
// Additional code would be needed to fetch and parse the HTML response
// For example, using an HTTP client to send the request and receive the response

Pros and Cons


  • High-performance parsing
  • Flexibility to create custom parsers
  • Seamless integration with Boost ecosystem


  • Steeper learning curve
  • Overkill for simple parsing tasks

Real-world Applications

Boost.Beast is a powerful choice for advanced C++ developers, particularly in web server applications, network programming, and scenarios requiring efficient asynchronous processing of HTML data (



MyHTML is a fast and lightweight HTML parser written in pure C99, with C++ bindings available. It's designed for high performance and low memory usage, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments. Key features of MyHTML include:

  1. Thread Safety: MyHTML is designed to be thread-safe, allowing for concurrent parsing of multiple HTML documents.

  2. Incremental Parsing: The library supports incremental parsing, enabling processing of HTML data as it becomes available.

  3. HTML5 Compliance: MyHTML follows the HTML5 parsing algorithm, ensuring accurate representation of modern web documents.

  4. Low-Level API: It provides a low-level API for fine-grained control over the parsing process, suitable for advanced use cases.

  5. Encoding Detection: MyHTML includes built-in encoding detection and conversion capabilities, handling various character encodings automatically.

Example Usage

#include <myhtml/api.h>

myhtml_t* myhtml = myhtml_create();
myhtml_init(myhtml, MyHTML_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, 1, 0);
// Parse HTML and process the result
myhtml_destroy(myhtml); // Clean up and free allocated resources

Pros and Cons


  • High performance and low memory usage
  • Thread-safe design
  • Incremental parsing support


  • Low-level API can be complex
  • Requires C++ bindings for integration

Real-world Applications

MyHTML's focus on performance and its thread-safe design make it an excellent choice for applications that need to process large volumes of HTML data efficiently, such as web crawlers, data mining tools, and real-time content analysis systems (GitHub - lexborisov/myhtml).



TinyXML-2, while primarily an XML parser, is often used for parsing well-formed HTML documents due to its simplicity and ease of use. Key features of TinyXML-2 for HTML parsing include:

  1. Lightweight: TinyXML-2 is a small, self-contained library that can be easily integrated into C++ projects.

  2. Easy to Use: The library provides a straightforward API, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

  3. DOM-style Parsing: TinyXML-2 uses a Document Object Model (DOM) approach, allowing for easy navigation and manipulation of the parsed document structure.

  4. Cross-Platform: It works on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  5. No External Dependencies: TinyXML-2 doesn't require any external libraries, simplifying project setup and deployment.

Example Usage

#include "tinyxml2.h"

tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
doc.Parse("<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>");
tinyxml2::XMLElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement("html");
// Process the parsed HTML, such as accessing child elements

Pros and Cons


  • Lightweight and easy to integrate
  • Straightforward API
  • No external dependencies


  • Not specifically designed for HTML
  • Limited to well-formed documents

Real-world Applications

While TinyXML-2 is not specifically designed for HTML parsing, its simplicity and robustness make it a popular choice for parsing well-formed HTML documents. It is especially useful in embedded systems and lightweight applications where a full-fledged HTML parser might be overkill (GitHub - leethomason/tinyxml2).

Conclusion and Summary

HTML parsing in C++ offers powerful capabilities for web-related applications, ranging from simple data extraction tasks to the development of full-fledged browser engines. By focusing on efficient algorithms, robust error handling, and seamless integration with the broader C++ ecosystem, developers can create high-performance HTML parsers tailored to their specific requirements. As web technologies continue to evolve, it is crucial for C++ parsers to adapt to new HTML features and maintain compatibility with the latest web standards.

The choice of HTML parsing library can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of a project. Libraries such as Gumbo Parser, libxml++, Boost.Beast, MyHTML, and TinyXML-2 each offer unique advantages and cater to different use cases. For instance, Gumbo Parser is highly compliant with HTML5 standards and offers robust error handling, while MyHTML is designed for high performance and low memory usage. On the other hand, libraries like Boost.Beast and libxml++ provide extensive functionality but may have a steeper learning curve or be more complex to use for simple tasks.

Ultimately, the key to successful HTML parsing in C++ lies in understanding the specific requirements of your project and selecting the appropriate tools and techniques to meet those needs. Regular benchmarking and optimization are essential to ensure high performance, and robust error handling is crucial for dealing with real-world HTML. By following best practices and leveraging the strengths of C++ and its libraries, developers can build efficient and reliable HTML parsers that stand the test of time.

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