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Scrape a Dynamic Website with Go

· 16 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Scrape a Dynamic Website with Go

Web scraping has become an essential technique for data extraction, particularly with the rise of dynamic websites that deliver content through AJAX and JavaScript. Traditional methods of web scraping often fall short when dealing with these modern web architectures, necessitating more advanced approaches. Using the Go programming language for web scraping offers several advantages, including high performance, robust concurrency support, and a growing ecosystem of libraries specifically designed for this task.

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled language that excels in performance and efficiency. Its compilation to machine code results in faster execution times compared to interpreted languages like Python. This is particularly beneficial for large-scale web scraping projects where speed and resource utilization are critical. Additionally, Go's built-in support for concurrency through goroutines enables developers to scrape multiple web pages concurrently, making it highly scalable.

This report delves into the techniques and best practices for scraping dynamic websites using Go. It covers essential topics such as identifying and mimicking AJAX requests, utilizing headless browsers, and handling infinite scrolling. Furthermore, it provides insights into managing browser dependencies, optimizing performance, and adhering to ethical scraping practices. By the end of this report, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively scrape dynamic websites using Go, leveraging its unique features to build efficient and scalable web scraping solutions.

Why Choose Go for Web Scraping?

Performance and Efficiency

Go's performance advantages make it an excellent choice for web scraping tasks, especially when dealing with large-scale projects. As a compiled language, Go translates source code to machine code before execution, resulting in faster runtime performance compared to interpreted languages like Python. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for CPU-bound tasks and extensive web scraping projects where speed is crucial.

Benchmarks typically show Go scraping faster than equivalent Python scripts, with the performance gap widening as the scale and complexity of scrapes increase. Go's efficient memory management further contributes to its performance advantages, allowing for optimal resource utilization during scraping tasks.

Concurrency and Scalability

One of Go's standout features for web scraping is its built-in support for concurrency through goroutines. This makes it easy to parallelize scraping tasks across multiple cores and threads without relying on external libraries. Go's lightweight thread model enables high throughput scraping at scale, outperforming Python's bulkier process-based model.

Here's an example of how to scrape multiple web pages concurrently using goroutines:

package main

import (

func fetch(url string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {

func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
urls := []string{

for _, url := range urls {
go fetch(url, &wg)


  • This code demonstrates a simple web scraper that fetches data from multiple URLs concurrently using goroutines.
  • The fetch function performs the HTTP GET request and reads the response body.
  • A sync.WaitGroup is used to wait for all goroutines to finish executing.
  • The main function initializes the list of URLs and starts a goroutine for each URL.

With goroutines, developers can easily write concurrent programs that can handle multiple web scraping tasks simultaneously, making efficient use of system resources. This scalability is particularly advantageous for large-scale web scraping projects that need to handle numerous requests concurrently.

Simplicity and Ease of Use

Despite its powerful features, Go maintains a simple and minimalist syntax without classes or inheritance like other object-oriented programming languages. This simplicity makes Go easy to learn for beginners while still providing the control needed for advanced use cases. The language's straightforward approach to error handling and its emphasis on clear, readable code contribute to easier maintenance and debugging of web scraping projects.

Here's an example of using the Colly library to scrape a website:

package main

import (

func main() {
// Instantiate default collector
c := colly.NewCollector()

// On every a element which has href attribute call callback
c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
link := e.Attr("href")
fmt.Printf("Link found: %q -> %s\n", e.Text, link)
// Visit link found on page

// Start scraping on a website


  • This code sets up a basic web scraper using the Colly library.
  • The c.OnHTML function specifies a callback that will be triggered for every a element with an href attribute, meaning it will find all links on the page.
  • The c.Visit function starts the scraping process on the specified URL.

Go's standard library provides a solid foundation for handling complex web scraping scenarios. The net/http package offers a flexible and customizable HTTP client, allowing developers to manage cookies, set headers, handle redirects, and interact with websites that require stateful communication. This built-in functionality reduces the need for external dependencies and simplifies the development process.

Compilation and Portability

Go compiles down to standalone native binaries, unlike Python which relies on interpreted execution. This compilation process offers several advantages for web scraping projects:

  1. Faster execution speeds: The compiled nature of Go programs allows for quicker startup times and overall faster execution compared to interpreted languages.

  2. Simpler deployment: Standalone binaries can be easily distributed and run on different systems without the need for installing additional dependencies or runtime environments.

  3. Cross-platform portability: Go's compilation process supports cross-compilation, allowing developers to build executables for different operating systems and architectures from a single development environment.

These features make Go an attractive option for developing and deploying web scraping tools across various platforms and environments.

Growing Ecosystem and Libraries

While Go's ecosystem for web scraping is not as extensive as Python's, it is steadily growing and offers several powerful libraries tailored for web scraping tasks. Some notable libraries include:

  1. Colly: A powerful and flexible web scraping framework that provides a clean API and features like rate limiting, caching, and automatic handling of retries.

  2. Goquery: Inspired by jQuery, this library allows for easy traversal and manipulation of HTML documents, making it ideal for extracting data from web pages.

  3. Chromedp: Used for driving browsers using the Chrome DevTools Protocol, this library is particularly useful for scraping websites that rely heavily on JavaScript to load or display content.

  4. Jaeles: While primarily geared towards security testing, this library can be adapted for intricate web scraping scenarios that require advanced probing or interaction.

These libraries, combined with Go's robust standard library, provide developers with a comprehensive toolkit for building efficient and scalable web scraping solutions. As the Go community continues to grow, it's likely that more specialized web scraping libraries and tools will emerge, further enhancing the language's capabilities in this domain.

In conclusion, Go's performance efficiency, strong concurrency support, simplicity, compilation advantages, and growing ecosystem make it an excellent choice for web scraping projects, especially those requiring high speed, scalability, and efficient resource utilization. While Python remains a popular choice due to its extensive library ecosystem and ease of use, Go offers compelling advantages that make it increasingly attractive for developers and organizations looking to build robust, high-performance web scraping solutions.

Techniques for Scraping Dynamic Websites with Go


In today's digital age, dynamic websites are becoming increasingly common, making web scraping more challenging but also more essential. This article will guide you through various techniques for effectively scraping dynamic websites using the Go programming language. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to handle AJAX requests, use headless browsers, manage infinite scrolling, and optimize your scraping tasks for performance.

Understanding Dynamic Websites and AJAX

Dynamic websites, which constitute the majority of modern web pages, present unique challenges for web scraping. Unlike static websites, dynamic sites use JavaScript and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to load content asynchronously, meaning the content is fetched and displayed without a complete page reload. This approach complicates traditional web scraping methods, as the desired content may not be readily available in the initial page source.

AJAX is an efficient way to create web pages with dynamic content, trading smaller packets of data with the server on the backend to update content continuously without refreshing the page. Common examples of AJAX pages include social media feeds, stock market tickers, and e-commerce product listings.

Identifying and Mimicking AJAX Requests

One effective technique for scraping dynamic content with Go is to identify and mimic the AJAX requests made by the website. This approach involves inspecting the network activity of the target page using browser developer tools, focusing on XHR (XMLHttpRequest) or Fetch requests that retrieve the dynamic content.

Once the relevant requests are identified, they can be replicated in Go code using the net/http package. Here's a simplified example of how to make a GET request to an API endpoint that an AJAX call would typically hit:

package main

import (

func main() {
url := ""
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0")

client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()

body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

This method is generally more efficient than using a headless browser, as it directly interacts with the API endpoints without the overhead of rendering a full web page.

Utilizing Headless Browsers with Go

For more complex scenarios where JavaScript execution is required to render content or trigger AJAX calls, using a headless browser in Go is a powerful solution. Headless browsers can run without a graphical user interface and are capable of executing JavaScript like a real browser.

One popular choice for Go developers is the chromedp package, which allows control of Chrome (or any other Chrome-based browser) via the DevTools Protocol. Here's a basic example of using chromedp to scrape dynamic content:

package main

import (


func main() {
ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
defer cancel()

var res string
err := chromedp.Run(ctx,
chromedp.Text("body", &res, chromedp.NodeVisible),
if err != nil {

This example navigates to a page, waits for 5 seconds to allow AJAX content to load, and then extracts the visible text from the body. For more complex scenarios, you can wait for specific elements to appear or events to occur before scraping the content.

Handling Infinite Scrolling and Pagination

Many dynamic websites implement infinite scrolling or pagination to load additional content as the user scrolls down the page. To scrape such websites effectively, you need to simulate the scrolling action or navigate through multiple pages.

When using chromedp, you can implement scrolling with a function like this:

func scrollToBottom(ctx context.Context) error {
return chromedp.Run(ctx,
chromedp.Evaluate(`window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)`, nil),

You can then call this function repeatedly in a loop, checking for new content after each scroll:

for i := 0; i < maxScrolls; i++ {
if err := scrollToBottom(ctx); err != nil {
// Extract and process new content here

For pagination, you would typically locate and click the "Next" button or modify the URL parameters to load subsequent pages.

Managing Browser Dependencies and Performance

While headless browsers provide powerful capabilities for scraping dynamic content, they come with increased resource usage and potential performance bottlenecks. To optimize your scraping process:

  1. Use connection pooling: Reuse browser instances for multiple requests to reduce overhead.
  2. Implement parallel scraping: Use Go's concurrency features to scrape multiple pages simultaneously.
  3. Minimize JavaScript execution: Disable unnecessary features like images and CSS to speed up page loading.
  4. Use intelligent waiting: Instead of fixed time delays, wait for specific elements or network idle events.

Here's an example of implementing a connection pool with chromedp:

package main

import (


type BrowserPool struct {
contexts []*context.Context
mu sync.Mutex

func NewBrowserPool(size int) *BrowserPool {
pool := &BrowserPool{
contexts: make([]*context.Context, size),
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
ctx, _ := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
pool.contexts[i] = &ctx
return pool

func (p *BrowserPool) Get() *context.Context {
for i, ctx := range p.contexts {
if ctx != nil {
p.contexts[i] = nil
return ctx
return nil

func (p *BrowserPool) Put(ctx *context.Context) {
for i, c := range p.contexts {
if c == nil {
p.contexts[i] = ctx

func main() {
pool := NewBrowserPool(5)
// Use the pool for scraping


By implementing these techniques and optimizations, you can create robust and efficient scrapers for dynamic websites using Go. Remember to always respect the website's terms of service and implement rate limiting to avoid overloading the target servers. Happy scraping!

For more insights and tutorials, feel free to explore our other articles on web scraping and Go programming.

Effective Web Scraping of Dynamic Websites Using Go: Best Practices


Web scraping has become a crucial technique for data extraction from websites, especially those with dynamic content. Leveraging Go programming for web scraping dynamic websites can significantly enhance efficiency and reliability. This article outlines best practices for scraping dynamic websites using Go, including headless browser automation, handling AJAX requests, robust error handling, authentication, and ethical practices.

Implement Headless Browser Automation

When scraping dynamic websites with Go, implementing headless browser automation is crucial. This technique allows for the execution of JavaScript and rendering of dynamic content, ensuring comprehensive data extraction. The chromedp package is a popular choice for this purpose in Go.

To implement headless browser automation:

  1. Install the chromedp package:

    go get -u
  2. Use chromedp to navigate and interact with web pages:

    ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
    defer cancel()

    var res string
    err := chromedp.Run(ctx,
    chromedp.WaitVisible("#someElement", chromedp.ByID),
    chromedp.InnerHTML("#someElement", &res),

This approach ensures that all dynamically loaded content is captured accurately, providing a comprehensive dataset for analysis.

Handle AJAX Requests and API Scraping

Many dynamic websites use AJAX and APIs to fetch data. Intercepting and analyzing these requests can lead to more efficient and reliable data extraction. To handle AJAX requests and implement API scraping:

  1. Use browser developer tools or network monitoring software like Fiddler to identify API endpoints.

  2. Replicate these requests in your Go scraper:

    client := &http.Client{}
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
    req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Your User Agent")
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
  3. Parse the JSON response:

    var data map[string]interface{}

This method often provides cleaner data and reduces the need to handle complex DOM structures.

Implement Robust Error Handling and Retries

When scraping dynamic websites, it is essential to implement robust error handling and retry mechanisms to ensure resilience and continuity of the scraping process. This practice helps in managing network issues, rate limiting, and temporary server errors.

Implement a retry mechanism for failed requests:

func retryRequest(url string, maxRetries int) (*http.Response, error) {
var resp *http.Response
var err error
for i := 0; i < maxRetries; i++ {
resp, err = http.Get(url)
if err == nil {
return resp, nil
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(i+1))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max retries reached: %v", err)

This approach ensures that temporary failures do not halt the entire scraping process, improving the overall reliability of your scraper (ScrapingAnt).

Manage Authentication and Sessions

Many dynamic websites require user authentication and session management. Handling these processes programmatically is crucial for scraping personalized or restricted content. To manage authentication and sessions in Go:

  1. Implement automated form filling for login processes:

    data := url.Values{}
    data.Set("username", "your_username")
    data.Set("password", "your_password")
    resp, err := http.PostForm("", data)
  2. Maintain sessions using cookies:

    jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil)
    client := &http.Client{Jar: jar}
  3. Use session tokens for subsequent requests:

    req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
    req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + sessionToken)

This approach ensures continuous access to the required data, even when dealing with authenticated or session-based content.

Implement Ethical Scraping Practices

When scraping dynamic websites with Go, it is crucial to implement ethical practices to respect website owners and avoid legal issues. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Respect robots.txt: Always check and adhere to the rules specified in the website's robots.txt file.

    robotsURL := ""
    resp, _ := http.Get(robotsURL)
    robots, _ := robotstxt.FromResponse(resp)
    allow := robots.TestAgent("/path", "YourBot")
  2. Implement rate limiting to avoid overwhelming the target server:

    rate := time.Second / 10
    throttle := time.Tick(rate)
    for range throttle {
    // Make your request here
  3. Use a realistic user agent string to identify your scraper:

    req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "YourBot/1.0 (+")
  4. Implement proper error handling and graceful degradation:

    if err != nil {
    log.Printf("Error scraping %s: %v", url, err)
    // Implement fallback or skip logic
  5. Cache results to reduce unnecessary requests:

    cache := make(map[string]string)
    if data, ok := cache[url]; ok {
    return data
    // Scrape and store in cache

By following these practices, you ensure that your Go scraper operates within ethical and legal boundaries, maintaining a balance between data collection needs and website owners' rights.


Scraping dynamic websites using Go can be highly effective when best practices are followed. Implementing headless browser automation, handling AJAX requests, robust error handling, managing authentication, and adhering to ethical scraping practices will ensure a reliable and respectful approach to web scraping. By leveraging these techniques, you can extract valuable data while maintaining compliance with web standards and legal requirements.


In conclusion, Go proves to be an exceptionally powerful tool for web scraping, particularly for dynamic websites. Its performance efficiency, strong concurrency support, and simplicity make it a compelling choice for developers. The ability to compile Go code into standalone binaries offers significant advantages in terms of speed and deployment flexibility.

Scraping dynamic websites involves overcoming various challenges such as handling AJAX requests, managing infinite scrolling, and dealing with JavaScript-rendered content. Techniques like identifying and mimicking AJAX requests, using headless browsers with libraries like chromedp, and implementing robust error handling are crucial for effective scraping. Additionally, ethical considerations such as respecting robots.txt, implementing rate limiting, and maintaining proper session management are essential to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.

By adhering to these best practices and leveraging Go's robust features, developers can build highly efficient and scalable web scraping solutions. As the ecosystem for Go continues to grow, with more libraries and tools becoming available, it is likely that its adoption for web scraping tasks will increase, making it a valuable skill for data extraction and analysis.

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