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· 8 min read
ScrapingAnt Team

Web Scraping for GPU Scalping

Graphics cards are an integral component of a PC or laptop. A PC or laptop without a graphic card barely fulfills even the most basic requirements in this day and age. For this reason, there is always a high demand for graphic cards all around the world. But, recently, the production of graphic cards took a big hit, along with a sharp spike in order, which led to a global shortage of graphic cards.

Let us discuss the lack of GPUs, scraping, and its role in alleviating the deficit and additional assistance in buying and reselling GPUs.

· 8 min read
Rakia Ben Sassi

Data to the Rescue. The Role of Data Collection in the Russia-Ukraine War

As I have started writing this article, I didn’t expect it to end this way. Weeks after creating my first draft, Russian forces entered its western neighbor’s border and war raged in Ukraine.

Many questions have been raised. People around the world kept their eyes glued to their screens, waiting for more news about the invasion and looking for answers. I was no exception. I’ve seen the steady stream of content, talking about the different sides of the crisis, its ramifications, and its ripple effect.

· 11 min read
ScrapingAnt Team

Data Collection for e-Commerce

HR or Human Resources is a department as important as any other in a business or a corporation. It helps manage the workforce so that workers are happy and a healthy environment is created, which helps achieve the organization's targets.

In a world where we have employed computers, AI, and the internet to better everything, why should HR lag behind? After all, if the employees are loyal and happy where they work, they are more likely to give their all while doing their jobs, all of which ultimately leads to growth. In order to do that, many big companies have made use of a newer approach, using public web data in order to improve human resource processes.

· 8 min read
ScrapingAnt Team

Data Collection for e-Commerce

A flood of information and data runs on the web. In this global age, people use the internet to achieve almost everything. Everything they click on, things they search for, and the websites they spend the most time on translates to user behavior and tells us about what they like to see. Such information is invaluable and is waiting right there in front of us.

Collection of such data, ensuring proper data processing with the help of data collection can help your eCommerce business grow in ways unimaginable.

· 6 min read
Oleg Kulyk

How to avoid IP rate limiting?

Web scraping specialists are dealing with using proxy servers to overcome various anti-bot defenses every day. One of those protections is IP rate limiting, a primary anti-scraping mechanism.

Let's learn more about this protection method and the most effective ways of bypassing it.

· 7 min read
Oleg Kulyk

Best open source proxy scrapers

Using a quality proxy server is the key to a successful web scraper. A variety of IPs along with their quality make it possible to collect data from various web sites without worrying about being blocked.

Still, many websites provide free proxy lists, so can the process of getting IP addresses from them be automated? Are free proxies good enough for web scraping? Let's check it out.